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The Technology Of Oil Output And Oil Recovery
Enhancement By Seismowaves Impacts (middle)


We have worked out and developed the Technology of Seismowaves Impacts, T-SWI, to intensify oil production and increase oil recovery “The methods to intensify oil extraction”. The Technology has been awarded Patents by Eurasian (No. 001474 dated 18 December 2000), European (No. 1266121 dated 21 December 2005) and Canadian (№ 2406794, February 17, 2009) regulatory bodies (authors I. H. Kerimov, S. I. Kerimov).

Implementation of T-SWI fully had reviewed all the modern concept of search and exploration of the oil and gas fields, the use of techniques to maintain reservoir pressure and with completely new positions to approach to the environment protection problems caused by the large-scale industrial activities.

The application of the Technology leads to both economical and ecological benefits such as:
  • increase of percentage rate of oil in extracted liquid;
  • increase of layer pressures;
  • reduction of environmental pollution;
  • decrease in water-cut of oilfields.

And the following results can be achieved depending on the geological and geophysical conditions and parameters of oil:
  • increase in oil output by 15 – 35 %;
  • decrease in water-cut of the output liquid by 5 - 20%;
  • increase current coefficient of oil recovery up to 45%;
  • increase in final oil recovery up to 70-80% or more;
  • maintenance of oil output on high level during long period of time and prolong oilfield lifetime;
  • prevention of oil reservoir distraction and rehabilitation of its damages.

Experimentally proved that the Technology can be applied practically on all geological structures and on oil reservoirs of a wide range of depths and thicknesses of the layers and characteristics of reservoir pressures and water cut. 
Each oil field is treated as a single heterogeneity in the medium and the vibrational impacts are carried out on all its volume. The Technology does not require an additional pumping of water or other chemical reagents for the purpose of its own implementation.
Thus, due to correctly organized impacts the vibrations are restoring the natural state of the environment, fractured on large and small disruptions caused by the uncontrolled oil field exploitation in previous years and bring it into energetically homogeneous state.

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